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A knee replacement is right for you, an orthopedic surgeon assesses your knee's range of motion, stability. Trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. © 1998-2018 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education. Page: // Partial knee replacement - series—Normal anatomy To use the sharing. Editorial team. Related MedlinePlus Health Topics Knee Replacement A.D.A.M., Inc.
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Is accredited. Knee joint replacement - series References American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS) website. Treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee: evidence-based guideline 2nd edition (summary). KneeGuideline.pdf.
Updated May 18, 2013. In a new window.
Arabic (العربية) Expand Section Total Knee Replacement - العربية (Arabic) Bilingual PDF Health Information Translations Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect) (简体中文) Expand Section Total Knee Replacement - 简体中文 (Chinese, Simplified (Mandarin dialect)) Bilingual PDF Health. • 2005-01-01 effectiveness of TKR and to compare the effectiveness of TKR across studies, effect sizes were calculated in studies that reported the standard deviations of the preoperative and postoperative measurement scores. Percent change was also calculated.
For this review, a 20% improvement in outcome score was defined as the minimal clinically important difference. Summary of Findings Overall, patients who undergo TKR surgery for osteoarthritis have substantial improvements in terms of reduction of pain and improvement of function. A comparison of the mean effect score and the percent change in 19 studies that reported preoperative and postoperative outcome scores for patients who had TKR showed that the procedure is effective.
The 19 studies included patients of various ages and used a variety of prostheses and techniques to implant the device. TKR was effective in all of the studies. The revision rates ranged from 0% to 13% in the studies that reported at least 5 years of follow-up. As for the factors that predict TKR outcomes, a variety of factors have been evaluated, including obesity, age, gender, prosthesis design, and surgical techniques; however, none of these have been shown to predict outcomes (pain or function) consistently across studies. However, the regression analyses identified accounted for only 12% to 27% of the variance, indicating that over 70% of the variance in the outcomes of TKR is unexplained. In terms of the timing of TKR surgery, 2 studies found that the severity of osteoarthritis does not predict outcome, but 1 study was found that higher functioning patients had significantly less pain and better function up to 2 years after surgery compared with lower functioning patients. It is important to note that the patients in the low and high function groups were evenly matched on comorbid conditions.