Chertezhi Arochnogo Angara

Angela serves as President of ANGARI Foundation and captains R/V ANGARI. Angela combined her love for the ocean, marine science and boating to create ANGARI Foundation and has a range of expertise in marine and environmental sciences. Prior to ANGARI Foundation, she held the position of Director of Programs and Policies for the nonprofit organization The International SeaKeepers Society where she developed and implemented international programs relating to scientific expeditions, oceanographic instrument deployments, education and outreach. Before entering the nonprofit world, Angela worked as a marine geochemist and managed the Marine Trace Element Laboratory at the University of South Carolina. She has conducted extensive field and laboratory work in the marine science field in the U.S.

In total, Angela has more than fifteen years of marine research experience. She has been involved in research projects on shallow and deep-water corals, aquaculture, marine fossils, paleoceanography, climate change, ocean acidification, trace metals in the ocean and seafloor mapping, among others. Additionally, Angela has several scientific publications and has made numerous presentations to industry groups and educational forums throughout her career. Angela earned a M.B.A. From the University of South Carolina and a M.S. In Marine Geology and Geophysics and a B.S. In Marine Science and Biology from the University of Miami.

Prior to ANGARI Foundation, she held the position of Director of Programs and Policies for the nonprofit organization The International SeaKeepers Society where she developed and implemented international programs relating to scientific expeditions, oceanographic instrument deployments, education.

Angela has extensive knowledge and experience in boating and holds a U.S.C.G. Merchant Mariner 100 ton license and STCW and Marine Security credentials as well as several SCUBA certifications, including rescue and NITROX. Kari Rosenberg is Vice President of Production at ANGARI Foundation where she leads the development and production of ANGARI’s virtual reality films. She creates films that are accessible to all audiences in order to inspire individuals to protect the oceans and be aware of their environment.

Her lifelong passion for and commitment to the ocean drives her day-to-day creativity and fuels her dedication to ANGARI’s mission. Kari has extensive experience in television and film.

She currently holds the position of Director of Development at Marvel where she creatively and structurally guides shows currently on air while working with a team of strong storytellers and artists. She oversees animated shows at the development, animatic, recording and animation production stages. Her responsibilities cover a wide range of duties from providing creative story notes to hiring writers to maintaining series continuity. Her work also includes creating and organizing pitches, launching new series, developing seasonal concepts, gathering production bids, establishing budgets, building production schedules, casting and interfacing with Marvel’s TV partners and brand management groups and holding the role of Supervising Producer on all of her projects.

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