Cisco Mds Switch Simulator Cisco
Aug 24, 2009 - I'm a bit new to the Cisco MDS family of Fibre Channel switches, so I'm sure that this information is “old hat” to the storage pros out there who've.
Recently I’ve been lucky enough to be challenged with learning a bit about Fibre Channel Switching, but I’m even luckier in that I’m getting to know it on a set of MDS switches running NX-OS (previously referred to as SAN-OS). So far, I’ve learned the basics of getting things to work, but nothing really beyond that. As the SAN world has always been a mystery to me, I figured I would share what I’ve learned with other engineers that are at least looking for a baseline look into the storage network.
New Terminology First, lets familureize ourselves with a few terms that we may run into when dealing with the very basics of FC switching • WWN: World Wide Name, think 8-byte MAC address. Also pWWN/sWWN (Port/Switch WWN) — This is the addressing of the Fibre Channel world. All of our configs are going to use pWWNs (Port World Wide Names, which actually refer to the node, or N_port) • vSAN: A vSAN is a virtual collection of ports, sort of like a VRF, or even a vDC (but within the same management plane) — Each port can only be a member of one vSANs.
— From my understanding, This is a Cisco specific technology typically used to create at least one unique vSAN per switch. This defines the two (or more) distinct fabric paths. • Zone: a Zone is a grouping of ports inside a vSAN used to control which devices can speak with other devices. Devices can be members of multiple zones. Devices in different Zones cannot speak to each other.
— Think VLAN. • N_port: Node Port — Could be a Host, or Storage device. • F_port: Fabric port — Connects to an N_port • FLOGI: Fibre Channel Logins — Used to exchange device information. Including WWNs Configuration First, we’re going to define the group of ports we’re using. Descriptions are set, and since the MDS is licensed per port, you have to enable the license for that port. I also ensure that each of these ports are not shutdown. Network engineer currently servicing the enterprise data center market.
I started working on networks in the ’90s and still feel like that was just a few years ago. Jack of all trades, master of none; I love to learn about everything. Feel free to ask me about photography, woodworking, nhra, watches, or even networking!
* My wantedsp has been modified by my minutely. Half life 1 client dll file. Additionally: * Generates errors with AMX Mod X (I install version 1.8.1) - When you start a game, load and then closes the whole game - Do not mention the type of error, only exit from the game * Default keys not working properly (using default keys by default, yes). * If you have a bad configuration can not pick the double pistol * Campaign maps are mixed with the list of multiplayer maps - Generate problems when selecting a random map * In the game. D: Games Valve wantedsp cl_dlls client.dll working the microphone, but not the target of sniper looks (secondary attack) please, try to fix this bug Note: I found another version of the wanted!, Seems to have more arrangements of steam port version (the version is compatible with steam obviously) Website: ht*tp://*halflifewanted*.com/ Download: ht*tp://*halflifewanted*.com/download-install/ Directly download: ht*tp://*halflifewanted*.com/wp-content/uploads/ (Delete * in links) +1 vote. 'Find Server> Internet> Change Filters> Game' does not show the type of game * The launch of the game (on the website, last mentioned): August 13, 2012.
— For feedback, please leave a comment on the article in question, and I’ll gladly moderate it several weeks later. For everything else including fan mail or death threats, contact me via twitter.
Voinskaya povinnost' (dlya opredelennyh kontingentov prizyvnikov) _Ex: the selective Service Act _ist. Similar words: (1.00) (1.00) (0.60) (0.60) (0.60) sel select sel Software Engineering Laboratory noun laboratoriya po tehnike programmnogo obespecheniya selection Committee 1> rasporyaditel'nyi komitet (pri OON) selective Service 1> _am. Zakon o voinskoi povinnosti (1940 g.) selene 1> _grech. Knigu vse ob ocenke brilliantov.
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