Visual Basic Code Maze Game

Make a new project and name it to Maze Game FORM 1 Properties. In Visual Basic, the specific label may not be Label8, as shown in the code. Visual Basic - Maze With Walls as Solid Barriers You would think that building a simple maze game would; well, be simple, but it is not. I have looked at tutorial after tutorial and have watched YouTube videos only to find that everyone seems to be using the Microsoft Maze tutorial.

Best Answer: Well, there are lots of ways to move through a maze depending on how you've actually set up your maze. But, from what I'm interpreting from the way you've asked the question, I am getting the feeling you aren't using any standard maze generation algorithm like like Prim's or Kruskal's.

I'm reading this as you are building walls entirely with labels (System.Windows.Forms.Label) objects, and the object of your game is to navigate your mouse around them. It can be done, but it really isn't going to be the most elegant solution. It really wasn't designed with this in mind.

But, it still is possible. The main idea is always to have the point where the mouse just was in memory. Your first big problem will be that the Windows forms mousemove event doesn't fire for every single pixel on screen. Essentially, if you move your mouse very quickly, your new position could be on the other side of the label. You really won't be able to tell if you've crossed it. The one solution to this would be to limit the speed of your mouse movement. If they move more than a number of pixels in any direction (I used 5 in my example), reset them.

Once that is done, you can add a MouseEnter event to each of your labels. If this happens, reset them. There are probably better API's out there designed for games. But, if you're just using the mouse and labels, this is certainly a workable way to do it. Public Class Form1 Dim savedPoint As Point Public Sub New() ' This call is required by the designer. InitializeComponent() ' Add any initialization after the InitializeComponent() call.

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