1000x1000x1000 Rubik S Cube Software
Where is the 6 coming from (number of sides or colors)? It's 1000 on each axis (x,y,z) hence 1000 x 1000 x 1000, much the same way a normal rubik's cube is 3x3x3 Yeah, but the internal cubes do not have to be lined up, do they? Only the six faces, each with 1000 x 1000 cubes have to be color-matched. So, its 1000 x 1000 x 6. And why were they wasting time rendering the cube while solving it.
They could have just logged the necessary turns while solving it, it would have made more processing power available for solving the problem. The logged data could later be used to create the visualization if necessary.
We've seen quite a few speedy rubik's cube solvers on WonderHowTo. Prikaz mz rb 622 ot 23052012 po tuberkulezu 2. However, this robot (built entirely out of a LEGOs) uses an algorithm that can can solve a cube of any dimension. That means it can solve software model cubes of up to 100×100x100!